Signs of a Kundalini Awakening

I knew writing a blog would be a form of therapy, but I didn’t realize just how impactful the process would be! While attempting to write How to Detox - Part 2, I was reflecting back to when I started using certain products and why I was driven to make specific changes in my environment. This... Continue Reading →

Managing a Deep Purge

While managing a very deep purge the past 5 days, I thought it’d be a good time to share the tactics I use to manage the symptoms and bring myself back to the present moment. For many of us when we’re in this particular state within our healing journey, our minds can play tricks on... Continue Reading →

Intuition is Our Own Guidance

What exactly is intuition? According to Wikipedia, intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without recourse to conscious reasoning. I believe through my own experience, it’s how the universe (Divine, God, Spirit or whichever label you prefer) speaks to us through our own bodies in order to guide us on our own personal journey. It’s how many of us... Continue Reading →

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